Friday 27 November 2009

Demonic Skull Tattoo Video

Demonic skull tattoo drawn and shaded, this is a tattoo drawing I did for someone on the internet as they requested a quick design of a demonic skull and they was happy with it, so I did a quick outline of the demon skull so as to include that with the shaded design, also what you don't see is some effects I did on the final version of the skull tattoo design which I did using Gimp, normally I would use photshop but Gimp is far quicker in my opinion.

The effect I did was to blur certain elements of the demon skulld design and smooth the shading out a bit and it looked even better, but unfortunately I didn't retain the new design, but I could do it again when I have the time and upload it here to show you, if you want!


J said...

You are very good at these drawings Waynet!

Wayne Tully said...

Cheers I like to do these drawings alot and plan to do more of them.